There were 3 men who were stupid

There were 3 men who were stupid but were best friends and they also used to stay in one house.
ONE day there was a tree that was blocking their sun view.
SO they thought to cut off the tree, they removed their axe and started to cut the tree but could’nt, so they thought to push the tree. they tried , and tried , and tried , but could’nt so they thought to rest for sometime, so they removed their expensive shoes and wacth and rested under the tree.
AFTER a while a thief came and stole all the shoes and watches.
THEN when they woke up they saw that their things were stolen, one of them said ” what to do all our expensive things have been stolen, what to do now”.
THEN other one said ” our things have not been stolen its just that when we were sleeping we pushed the tree alot and our things may be there somewhere”. and so they thought that they worked alot.

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